Joint City-County Planning Commission of Nelson County

The Planning Commission is an 11-member quasi-judicial entity made up of citizen members appointed by the Bardstown City Council, Bloomfield City Council, Fairfield City Commission, New Haven City Commission, and Nelson County Fiscal Court to make planning decisions and recommendations to the legislative bodies. The Planning Commission operates under Kentucky Revised Statutes Chapter 100, Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement, and Bylaws. The Planning Commission and its staff are responsible for implementing the Comprehensive Plan and administering the Zoning Regulations, Subdivision Regulations, and Commercial Establishments Design Standards Ordinance. For more information on the Planning Commission, see the Q&A Section below.

Hearings & Meetings

The Planning Commission conducts a public hearing on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are held in in the Fiscal Court Room, 2nd Floor, Old Courthouse Building, One Court Square  (see Meetings & Deadlines). All hearings and meetings are public meetings and open to the public. The Planning Commission may call special meetings under certain circumstances.

Due to COVID restrictions, all meetings and hearings will be held at the Civic Center, 321 South Third Street, Bardstown, until further notice.

Planning Commissioners

City of Bardstown
Crystal Hagan (Chair)
Martin Carpenter (Vice-Chair)
Mark Mathis (Secretary/Treasurer)
City of Bloomfield
Nathan Jones
City of Fairfield
Jacob Hamm

City of New Haven
Andy Hall
Nelson County 
David Whelan, Magisterial District #1 (New Haven, New Hope, southern Nelson County)
Vacant Position, Magisterial District #2 (Woodlawn, Botland, southeastern Nelson County)
Jim Nelson, Magisterial District #3 (Boston, western Nelson County)
Doug Cornett, Magisterial District #4 (Deatsville, Cox's Creek, northwestern Nelson County)
Mark Etheredge, Magisterial District #5 (Bloomfield, Fairfield, northeastern Nelson County)

Planning Commission FAQs

What is the Joint City-County Planning Commission of Nelson County?
The Planning Commission is an 11-member quasi-judicial entity made up of citizen members appointed by the Bardstown City Council, Bloomfield City Council, Fairfield City Commission, New Haven City Commission, and Nelson County Fiscal Court to make planning decisions and recommendations to the legislative bodies. The Planning Commission operates under an Interlocal Agreement and its Bylaws.

What is a quasi-judicial entity?
"Quasi-" means similar or like. While the Planning Commission is not a court, its actions are similar to those taken by a judge. The Planning Commission applies law to a particular set of facts or circumstances to reach its decision, and its procedures are court-like.

What are the Planning Commission's duties?
The Planning Commission's duties include:

  • Preparing and implementing the community's Comprehensive Plan;
  • Administering the zoning and subdivision regulations; and,
  • Conducting other functions relating to urban renewal, public housing, community development, and as assigned by legislative bodies.

Where does the Planning Commission get its authority?
Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) Chapter 100 provides the legal authority for local planning and land-use regulation. This enabling legislation sets forth the procedural and administrative requirements for comprehensive planning, zoning administration, and subdivision management. KRS 100.121 and 100.127 allows the creation of a joint planning unit through an interlocal agreement.

When was the Planning Commission established?
The Planning Commission was established through an interlocal agreement executed on April 28, 1970. This agreement sets forth the planning unit boundaries and contains all details for the establishment and administration of the planning unit, preparation of plans and aids to plan implementation, and method of appropriation of financial support.

How are Planning Commissioners appointed?
Planning Commissioners are appointed by the executive (mayor or county judge/executive) with approval of the legislative body of each participating local government. The Planning Commission includes:

  • 3 Bardstown members;
  • 1 Bloomfield member;
  • 1 Fairfield member;
  • 1 New Haven member; and,
  • 5 county members - 1 representing each magisterial district;

What are the qualifications for Planning Commissioners?
All Planning Commissioners must be residents of Nelson County and may not be elected or appointed officials or employees of a participating local government. Bardstown and Bloomfield appointees must be owners of property or reside within the city limits. Fairfield and New Haven appointees must reside within the city limits. County members are appointed by magisterial district. All Planning Commissioners must take the oath of office prescribed by Section 228 of the Kentucky Constitution and must satisfy training requirements as set forth in KRS 147A.027.

What is the Planning Commissioner's term of office?
Each Planning Commissioner serves a 4-year term and may be reappointed by the respective legislative body.

When does the Planning Commission meet?
The Planning Commission conducts a public hearing on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. and holds its regular meeting immediately following the public hearing. If no public hearing is scheduled, the Planning Commission will conduct its regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are held in in the Fiscal Court Room, 2nd Floor, Old Courthouse Building, One Court Square (see Meetings & Deadlines). All hearings and meetings are public meetings and open to the public.

Are the public hearing and regular meeting open to the public?
Yes. The public hearing allows proponents and opponents to present testimony and evidence. However, while the regular meeting is open to the public, no additional testimony or evidence on public hearing items may be presented at the regular meeting.

Are Planning Commission hearing transcript and meeting minutes open record?
Yes. Minutes of the Planning Commission public hearing and regular meeting are taken by Planning Commission staff. A full transcript of the public hearing and regular meeting are available upon request and at the expense of the requesting party. Copies of the regular meeting minutes are available after consideration by the Planning Commission and available upon request at the expenses of the requesting party.

Does the Planning Commission employ staff?
Yes. The Planning Commission employs 3 full-time and 2 part-time staff and has contracts for legal, accounting/audit, mapping, and court reporting services. The Planning Commission may also contract with other persons as it deems necessary to accomplish its assigned duties under KRS Chapter 100, the Interlocal Agreement, and its Bylaws.